Παρασκευή 8 Μαΐου 2009

Naissus Route Climbing Challenge 03.

Η Δέσποινα μας έστειλε ένα mail για μια αναρριχητική συνάντηση και ταυτόχρονα αγώνα αναρρίχησης που θα γίνει στη Σερβία στις 22-23-24/5. Βέβαια παίζει και η Κάλυμνος (δες το λινκ), αλλά λέμε τώρα... Αντιγράφουμε για όσους ενδεχομένως ενδιαφέρονται:
For „Naissus Route Climbing Challenge 03“ competition which will be held in Jelasnica gorge.
The competition will take place on 22., 23. and 24. May 2009.

22.05.2009. – First day
09:00 – Tehnical meeting
10:00 – Start of competition (day one)
20:00 – End of day one

23.05.2009. – Second day
09:00 – Start of competition (second day)
20:00 – End of day two

24.05.2009. – Third day
09:00 – Start of competition (third day)
18:00 – End of competition
19;00 – Winning ceremony
19:15 – Competition closing
20:00 – Party for the competitors

Participation and entry (5 euro) will take place on the spot. Participation will last during the entire competition.

The competition will take place on natural rock. Points will be given for 10 best routes climbed in all three days. If a competitor doesn`t climb 10 routes, points will be given for all climbed routes.

Points will be given according to 8a.nu point giving rules, without on-sight climbing (route beta will be provided by the organizer or the judges on the spot). Difficulty of the routes is from VII- (6a+) to X+ (8b+).





X+ (8b+)


Flash – + one grade + 3 points

X (8b)


X- (8a+)


Second try – +2 points

IX+/X- (8a)


First ascent – +10 points

IX+ (7c+)


IX (7c)


Note: a list of ungraded routes will be given on the start of competition (projects).

IX- (7b+)


VIII+/IX- (7b)


VIII+ (7a+)


VIII (7a)


NOTE: On the crowded routes, the cometitors will be allowed to work the route for 5 min. after falling, they are due to get of the route and leave it to the next climber (if there is any).

From the town center (Nis), go east, towards Niska Banja spa, situated a few kilometers away from the town. After turning right for the spa, turn left (immediately upon crossing the railroad tracks) towards village Jelasnica, which is around 3 km away. At the wery entrance into the village, there is a small crossroad. First turn left and cross the bridge, and after about 100m, turn right towards “Bojanine vode” mountaineers house. Once you have passed through the village, you will get to Jelasnica Gorge.

You can camp in the gorge (camp is free). For accomodation in Niska Banja spa (7km from the gorge – 5-10 euro for a night without food) contact the organizer by e-mail: knaissus @t gmail dot com.

We hope you`ll have a great weekend with us. SEE YOU THERE!!!!

President of CC „Naissus“

Miloš Puletić
Επίσης κάτι που δεν αναφέρεται στο mail είναι ότι και το φαγητό κοστίζει πολύ φτηνά.Τρως πίνεις σε ταβέρνα και πληρώνεις γύρω στα 5 ευρώ το άτομο. Γενικά όποιος ενδιαφέρεται μπορεί να μου στείλει mail (). Από Θεσσαλονίκη αυτό το μέρος είναι γύρω στις 5 ώρες.

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